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Kortrijk Drumt - On Tour
Why not volunteer?
Thanks to many great minds I was led to an experience, that not only had me thrilled but also led me to a wonderful journey. Little did I know, that from scrolling around social media and thinking, hey, why not, I would be carried away onto this eclectic mix of awesome.
Now that is what I call a festival. From start to finish, this event drove the crowd to the
limits of adrenaline. Having a variety of musicians, bands, deejays, hosts and audio-visual
teams that struck all the right aspects of excitement. These guys really have no boundaries.
As if DrumFest wasn't enough. Kortrijk Drumt took to Valletta wo shake every atom of the
public. I am still curious as to where the sound of the drums actually faded. Bouncing off the
many walls of our gridlike capital city. This was a joy to perform and a marvel to experience.
The Official video of our performance in Brussels for the National Feast on 21/07/'19!
What a day of celebration! I must admit, the Belgians really know how to throw a party!
The Feast
My own mash-up of the National Festival in Brussels. I would personally like to thank
Gino Kesteloot, and the many great people I met throughout the journey who hosted and
created my experience around Belgium. This is an experience I'll cherish for a lifetime.